An open letter

21 July 2021

Dearest Joel,

I hope you're doing well and safe.

Today marks your 6th year in Australia. Congratulations for this milestone.

To embark a new life in a foreign land is not an easy decision.  It takes a lot of courage, patience and perseverance to begin everything to an unknown place. Jobless, homeless and with a very tight budget to begin with in your journey. I'm glad to know that you keep up with the challenges and never give up.

You were able to attain your objective to bring your family members in Australia. In the meantime, while the travel restriction is in place, keep firm in your plan to bring along your dad for him to see and to explore your beautiful country. 

I'm also happy to know that you got your Australian Citizenship after 5 years of long wait. You took the long path and managed to satisfy all the eligibility requirements for provisional visa subclass and permanent residency prior to your citizenship.

You were also able to work in Baida Poultry - Hanwood site, which is one of the largest poultry processing plants in Southern Hemisphere. What an achievement. Fast forward, who would have thought that you will now be working in Sydney, Australia? Although you needed to transfer from food to beverage manufacturing, you have managed to perform well. Keep up the great performance at work. Also, you've got an amazing view in your workplace. 

Now, you're long time dream of studying postgraduate finally happened . I've heard that you're taking Grad Cert of Data Science in UNSW. I remember that you have shared with me before that you'd like to take postgrad study for personal and professional reasons. Most importantly, life is a continuous learning. Never give up and make yourself always motivated while juggling both work and study.

I always thank God for keeping and protecting you in your journey. I've also seen how your family and extended family supported you. I would also like to thank all your friends in Queanbeyan, Griffith, Sydney and other parts of Australia who helped you along the way.

Never give up, Joel. Never be afraid to embark on new challenges.

Keep your faith and be a witness to God's love. 

Yours sincerely, 



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