Leap of Faith

It's been exactly a month now since I moved to Sydney from Griffith NSW.

With very limited time to prepare for the relocation, I took a leap of faith of moving to a new place without any permanent accommodation.  I arrived on Sunday night and started to work the following day.  I had few of my essentials and personal things stored in my car for a week until I found my temporary abode.  Thanks to Louie, Crishanne and Aome for adopting a homeless.

It was a quick turnaround as I needed to start immediately after receiving the positive outcome of my application. I can say that God has prepared my way.  I never expected it to be this fast. It seems that I have undergo an express processing.

14th March - Lodged my job application

17th March - Job interview

18th March - Reference checks

19th March - Positive outcome and Job Offer

20th March - Contract Signing and Job Acceptance

I may have some difficulties in the relocation and beginning a new life in unfamiliar place, but with my family and closest friends' support, it became easier. I'm still unsure what awaits me here but I'm keeping my faith in Him.

All these things are part of his GREAT PLAN.  I'm truly grateful for this experience and opportunity. 

Carpe Diem!


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