
Showing posts from April, 2021

Leap of Faith

It's been exactly a month now since I moved to Sydney from Griffith NSW. With very limited time to prepare for the relocation, I took a leap of faith of moving to a new place without any permanent accommodation.  I arrived on Sunday night and started to work the following day.  I had few of my essentials and personal things stored in my car for a week until I found my temporary abode.   Thanks to Louie, Crishanne and Aome for adopting a homeless. It was a quick turnaround as I needed to start immediately after receiving the positive outcome of my application. I can say that God has prepared my way.  I never expected it to be this fast. It seems that I have undergo an express processing. 14th March - Lodged my job application 17th March - Job interview 18th March - Reference checks 19th March - Positive outcome and Job Offer 20th March - Contract Signing and Job Acceptance I may have some difficulties in the relocation and beginning a new life in unfamiliar place, but with my family