2020 | Year in Review

PANDEMIC | A curse or recovery period

December 2019 when the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has emerged in Wuhan, China. On 30th January 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.

I never thought that a pandemic could be possible in my lifetime. It is like a plague (Ten Plagues in Old Testament) , which I only heard of in my religion class during high school. Would it really be possible? It is and it's happening. However the source is still a mystery and China is refusing that it has originated from them.

Individuals and business, both in public and private sectors, have been forced to adapt from the effects of this pandemic. Everyone must be able to protect themselves. Employees are advised to work from home with limited mobility, while employers are struggling to meet the targets. Only the traditional sectors have continuously flourished such as agriculture and health-related business, to name a few. The most affected sector is the tourism and hospitality industry, wherein travelling has been restricted and borders globally have closed. 

During the onset of COVID in Australia, NSW restrictions include no public gathering, people are not allowed to visit friends and family of another household and only essential services and activities are allowed. There was a period wherein I felt anxiety attacks and I opted not to visit my friends children, who have been my constant companions, to minimize contact and to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

I also had a schedule of my citizenship examination and interview on April 2020 but it was cancelled due to this pandemic. October 2020 when I finally had the examination and received the formal notification of my citizenship approval on November 2020. Australian citizenship pledge of commitment has been scheduled on Australia Day. I'm beyond grateful for this blessing and opportunity. 

I've also adjusted from work but still I'm thankful for being able to fulfill my responsibilities in spite of a number of shortcomings. I also had the opportunity to attend Food Legislation and Labelling training by SAI Global on October 2020.

I was supposed to have a vacation in the Philippines on December 2020 to celebrate my nephew's birthday and to spend time with my family back home. But due to this pandemic, it has been cancelled indefinitely. Still waiting for the right time when overseas travel no longer requires quarantine, the COVID cases have dropped significantly and the vaccine becomes available. 

This year allowed me to reflect and to strengthen my relationship with God. To enjoy in simple things and appreciate the beauty of nature. I miss my family back home and I know that when the right time comes, God will allow me to spend more time with them. 

2020 has been a tough year for everyone but still there are a lot of reasons to be thankful for - Life, Family and Friends... I'm hoping and praying for a better tomorrow. May God bless and protect us always.


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