
Showing posts from January, 2021

Australian Citizenship Pledge

26 January 2021 From this time forward, under God, I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people, whose democratic beliefs I share, whose right and liberties I respect, and  whose laws I will uphold and obey. Today, I took an oath of allegiance to Australia, which is now my 2nd home.  I never imagined myself being a citizen of another country, other than the Philippines, but God  provided me an opportunity to call this amazing place my new home.  My Australian journey started on 2013 when I sought Respall's migration assistance.  I received my subclass 489 (Skilled Regional Sponsored - Provisional) visa on February 2015. Then waited for another 2 years to satisfy the eligibility requirements for subclass 887 (Skilled Regional) application. I received my visa grant on December 2018.   The difference is that the latter is a permanent visa subclass while the former is a skilled visa intended to drive migrants to live in specified regional areas for at least 2 years and to work for a

2020 | Year in Review

PANDEMIC | A curse or recovery period December 2019 when the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has emerged in Wuhan, China. On 30th January 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) declared the novel coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. I never thought that a pandemic could be possible in my lifetime. It is like a plague  (Ten Plagues in Old Testament)   , which I only heard of in my religion class during high school. Would it really be possible? It is and it's happening. However the source is still a mystery and China is refusing that it has originated from them. Individuals and business, both in public and private sectors, have been forced to adapt from the effects of this pandemic. Everyone must be able to protect themselves. Employees are advised to work from home with limited mobility, while employers are struggling to meet the targets. Only the traditional sectors have continuously flourished such as agriculture and health-related business, to name